YOU on the Camino de Santiago

You want to walk the Camino de Santiago in Spain but where do you start? What is your first step in preparing and planning for such a big undertaking? Whether you have just now heard of the Camino, or if your flights are booked and you have a start date, this podcast will walk with you as you take your first steps of preparing, planning, and starting your Camino experience. Guide and long-time pilgrim Nancy Reynolds shares her 17 years of experience walking the Camino and leading 13 small groups on the Camino Francés - plus interviews with new pilgrims getting ready for their first ever Camino walks.

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Tuesday Aug 02, 2022

YOU on the Camino de Santiago, that’s why we are here.
You, taking your first steps on the trail, full of excitement and anticipation, and perhaps feeling a little anxious about what lies ahead.
Imagine, you are in Saint Jean Pied de Port, France, or Porto, Portugal, or Oviedo, Spain, or wherever you will be starting your Camino walk. Backpack loaded, trail before you, and you, unsure of what is to come, yet somehow so determined to do this. researched, you’ve prepared, you’ve planned, you’ve packed, and you have tackled another of many hurdles: you have gotten yourself to your starting point.
Can you see it? Can you imagine yourself there? Imagine yourself full of emotions, maybe a little jet lagged, possibly hungry and wondering where to find breakfast. You probably know your destination for the day, but you’re not entirely sure how to get there.
You look around you and – thankfully – you are not alone: there are other pilgrims! They, like you, are eager to connect, make friends, and perhaps most important, not walk out of town alone.
How did you get there, to Saint Jean, or Porto, or Oviedo, or wherever you will be starting your Camino journey? How did you decide when to go, and which route to walk, and where to start on your chosen route? How did you end up there on your own, or with the group you will be walking with? How did you work out your budget or how far to walk that first day, and every day after? How do you know where to sleep and where to find food?
See, that first step you are going to take on the trail, leaving Saint Jean Pied de Port, or wherever, is by far and away, not the first step of your Camino journey.
I am here to talk with you about those first steps and all the steps you need to take to get you to your starting point and on your Way.
The goal of this podcast takes you from idea . . . to saying YES! . . . to your first steps on the Camino trail. Whether you will walk in Spain, France, or Portugal, this podcast gives you a planning roadmap and practical tips, plus heartwarming and helpful stories from others who, like you, are getting ready for their first-ever pilgrimage on the Camino.
Are we meeting for the first time? Yay! Welcome to the “YOU on the Camino de Santiago” podcast! I’m glad you’re here. It will be my pleasure to walk with you as you plan and prepare to walk your chosen Camino route.
In case you’re wondering who I am and why I have so much to say about the Camino, you can learn more here.
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).
Would you like to share your experience of getting ready to walk the Camino de Santiago and receive some personalized guidance on your planning and preparations?
If you have not yet walked a Camino and would like to be a guest on this podcast, please let me know you are interested here.
I hope you enjoy the podcast!
~ Nancy

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022

What is the Camino de Santiago?
Do you remember when you first heard about the Camino de Santiago? Maybe it was from a friend who had walked it, or a newspaper article. Maybe you saw the movie, “The Way”, with Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez, and something stirred deep inside. Something awakened within you, and you felt the pull to know more.
In this episode of the “YOU on the Camino de Santiago” podcast we are going to wander around in some basic questions:
What is the Camino?
Why do people walk the Camino?
What does it mean to “do” the Camino?
And what is it like, what is the experience of walking the Camino?
And we will get personal – why would you walk the Camino? What experience are you seeking?
Seriously, what is the Camino de Santiago?
Would you keep listening to this podcast if I told you I wasn’t entirely sure what the Camino is? I know, what a crazy thing to say! I mean, I know what it is, but what is it? And why are people so drawn to it? And why do some people, like me, keep returning year after year?
On my spring 2022 walk I spent a fair amount of time mulling over the question of what is the Camino? And while we’re at it, where am I?
This is especially suspect, I admit, because I have spent so much time on the Camino over the years, and I love pouring over maps and tracking my course along the Way. You would think I would have some answers by now.
You may conclude, then, that the questions are more metaphoric than literal, as in, a search for the meaning of the Camino de Santiago and the journey along one of its paths, and an understanding of where I am in relation to everyone and everything else.
If you were to gather together ten people who have walked the Camino de Santiago and ask them “what is the Camino?”, you are likely to get ten different answers. I did this, in a Facebook group, and interestingly, the responses I got weren’t about the history or origin of the Camino.
No one said anything about the Apostle James, his ministry, how and where he died, how there came to be a shrine in his honor, or the plenary indulgence offered by the Catholic church for completing the journey to that shrine.
What did they say? Find out in this episode of the “YOU on the Camino de Santiago” podcast!
YOUR Camino Pilgrimage
Are you ready to get started on your pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago? How can I help? Here are a few ideas.
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022

Pilgrim Grace Talks About Getting Ready to Walk the Caminho Português
Bed bugs, luggage transport, finding food . . . it's all part of the Camino experience! Join me for a conversation with soon-to-be-pilgrim Grace from Queens, New York, as she prepares to walk the Caminho Português.
The Caminho Português has become one of the most popular of the many Camino routes that lead to Santiago de Compostela. Who wouldn’t want to take a long walk through the countryside of Portugal?!
Grace will be stepping away from work for the typical two-week American vacation . . . but what she will be doing is anything but typical. And it probably will feel completely different from any other vacation Grace has taken.
YOUR Camino Pilgrimage
When will you walk the Camino de Santiago? Which route will you take? When you are ready to get ready, I would love to hear from you! Let’s make your dream of walking the Camino a reality.
Related: If you would like to learn more about the Caminho Português and ask some questions, check out this Facebook group.
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).

Tuesday Aug 23, 2022

Selecting Your Boots & Socks for Your Walk on the Camino de Santiago
[For the Love of Your Feet (and Entire Body)]
If you are planning to walk the Camino de Santiago, you are going to be asking your feet to do something extraordinary. You are about to put them to the greatest test they likely will ever be put to.
How do you prepare your feet for this strenuous journey? With the right socks and boots, and more importantly, by getting your feet - and your body - fully acquainted with your Camino footwear.
Why is this discussion so important? I have some pretty beat up feet over the years. And I have heard numerous stories of pilgrims who had to get off their feet for several days while they waited for blisters to heal, throwing off their rhythm and schedule, while their friends walked on.
I’ve even heard of pilgrims who had to stop walking entirely, Camino over, because their blisters had become infected. So this isn’t a tutorial on how to care for blisters once you get them; rather, it’s a guide for how to prevent them in the first place.
A typical day on the Camino will have you walking for four to six hours. On your feet, moving, with breaks throughout the day. You will be carrying something – whether that’s a fully loaded backpack weighing 10-12% of your body weight, or a day pack with just a few pounds or a couple kilos.
You will be walking on a variety of surfaces. If you are walking the Camino Frances, about 30% of your walk will be on paved surfaces – which includes cobblestones, one and two lane country roads and motorways which are asphalt, plus sidewalks, and stairs, and a few old Roman bridges. The other 70% will be on unpaved surfaces which will include dirt, small rocks, scree, and gravel.
Some of these surfaces will be slippery, and many will be uphill or downhill. By the way, I got these statistics from the guidebook by John Brierley, so if you are walking a route other than the Camino Frances, you should be able to figure out the percentages for your route using that book.
You likely will be walking in different kinds of weather – it could be hot, cold, wet, and dry.
What does all this mean for selecting your boots for the Camino? Let’s find out in this episode of the “YOU on the Camino de Santiago” podcast.
Walking the Camino is About More Than Which Boots You Choose to Walk In
What will it be about for you? How do you discover and then honor what you want for your first-ever walk on the Camino de Santiago? Let’s explore that together and get you off on a great start for your Camino experience.
Related: It was years before I learned there were many different ways to lace up hiking boots to cater to the specific needs of your feet. Here is the link for the article on how to lace your hiking boots, as promised in this episode.
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022

Pilgrim Kathie Talks About Getting Ready to Walk the Camino Francés
What are your fears and concerns about walking the Camino? Pilgrim Kathie from Dallas, Texas, shares her pre-walk worries and also how she addresses the concerns of her husband and kids as she heads off on her own on a six-week, 500 mile adventure in France and Spain.
Kathie will be staying at Refuge Orisson her first night on the trail. The Refuge is located just under eight kilometers past Saint Jean Pied de Port, and features incredible views overlooking the Pyrenees Mountains. Advance reservations are highly recommended, and you can get yours on the Refuge Orisson website.
About two hours after Kathie leaves Refuge Orisson, on her second day of walking, she will come to the first of many highlights on this journey: the statue of the Virgin Mary, set off to the side of the trail. Why is this so significant to Kathie? Find out in this episode of the “YOU on the Camino de Santiago” podcast.
Related: What is the terrain like going over the Pyrenees mountains from Saint Jean Pied de Port? Find out here, in photos.
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022

When Is The Best Time To Walk The Camino . . . For You?
When people ask “when is the best time to walk the Camino”, what are they really asking? When is the best weather? When is it least crowded? When can I be certain to find food and a place to sleep? Yes, yes, and yes.
And at least as important is the question of when is the best – or right – time for you to walk the Camino, given your reasons for walking and what’s going on in your life. That’s why I think this question deserves more than just a discussion of weather patterns in Spain and Portugal.
The first thing I do when I am considering walking the Camino is break out my calendar. I look at upcoming birthdays, holidays, family events, work commitments, vacation plans, volunteer gigs, and things I don’t want to miss out on. With all of those, when can I get away to walk the Camino? And who do I need to talk to if I want to be away for an important day or event?
Sometimes the answers come easily. In March 2022 I found myself completely uncommitted. Find out why, what I did about it, and what questions you need to ask to determine the right – best – time for you to walk the Camino, in this episode of the “YOU on the Camino de Santiago” podcast.
How do you book trains and buses in Spain and France?
As promised, here are the websites I use to book my ground transportation to my Camino starting point and from my ending point back to my airport departure city.
*Note that train timetables and tickets sometimes are not available until 30 to 60 days before departure. To get an idea of what will be available on your travel date, check the same day of the week but within two to three weeks of today’s date.
To book trains within Spain
To book buses within Spain, specifically from Madrid to points on the Camino and from Pamplona to Saint Jean Pied de Port:
To book trains within France
To book trains and buses in Europe
Walking in the Winter
For those thinking of walking in the winter months, check out this resource from American pilgrim Anne Born: Buen Camino: Tips From a WINTER Pilgrim. You can buy the book by following this link to my ever-expanding guidebook and product page.
Related:  Want to know more about the Camino de Santiago and what it means to embark on this ancient pilgrimage?
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022

Pilgrim Abbi Talks About Getting Ready to Walk the Camino Francés
Is the Camino on your "bucket list"? If yes, how is it similar and different from other items on the list? And what does that mean, really?
Abbi from Santa Cruz, California is taking on one of her bucket list items when she starts her walk on the Camino Francés in mid-September, 2022, and we had a chance to explore these questions when we talked in early August. 
At that time Abbi was in the middle of a serious competition to select the perfect backpack. Which one won? And the bigger question, will Abbi return home after walking the Camino, or will this be the start of something entirely new? Find out in this episode of the “YOU on the Camino de Santiago” podcast.
Be a Guest on This Podcast
Would you like to be a guest on the "YOU on the Camino" podcast? If you are getting ready to walk your first Camino, I would love to talk with you! Take the next step here.
Related: How do you find your way on the Camino Francés?
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022

How long does it take to walk the Camino?
Well, that depends. In this episode we are going to continue on with our Camino planning roadmap, still working with step four, spend some time thinking about what you want.
This episode is a big one. A really big one. By that I mean that it’s a bit on the long side. But also, I think it’s an important one, as this is where we really begin to design the Camino experience that suits you perfectly.
If you have been following along with this podcast series, then you should, by now, be fairly certain that you do want to walk the Camino. You should have some idea of when you would like to go, what season you would like to walk in, and when a Camino walk would fit into your life. Ready to book your flights?
Mmmm . . . almost. This episode will get you much closer to that point, I promise. Before we dive in, you may want to have a map handy. I will be talking about all the different Camino routes that lead to Santiago, and it may be helpful to see them on the map to give you a sense of how grand the task before you is. I will also be doing some basic mathematical calculations, so you might want to have a pen and paper nearby, too.
To answer the question “how long does it take”, we first will need to answer the question of what “it” is. What do I mean by that? Find out in this episode of the “YOU on the Camino de Santiago” podcast.
Some Questions to Ponder
Here are the questions I pose at the end of this episode:
What would constitute a ‘real pilgrimage’ by your standards?
How much time do you want to take for your Camino?
How many miles or kilometers will you need to walk each day to complete the walk in that time frame? Is that doable, or will you need to adjust your timing or expectation?
How much time do you want in your starting and ending points?
How many rest days will you plan for?
When you add it all up, how does it feel?
In case you are ready to pick up a guidebook for your walk, here are the most popular ones.
Related: Ready to start looking for flights to Europe? Click through for favorite tool for that, which is this episode’s top tip.
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022

Pilgrim Amanda Talks About Getting Ready to Walk the Caminho Português
Pilgrim Amanda is about to take her first steps on the Caminho Português as this episode goes live! Walk with us through her preparations and how she went from hiring a company to plan everything to using her super powers to do it herself.
Amanda also shares with us the "ground rules" she and her walking partner came up with the ensure they will have a smooth trip as they share the journey from Porto to Santiago de Compostela.
Not Planning to Walk the Caminho Português?
The most popular Camino route is the Camino Francés, which starts in Saint Jean Pied de Port, France. You can learn all about how to get started on the Camino Francés on my website, The Camino Experience.
Related: Check out this Facebook group to learn more about the Caminho Português and ask some questions.
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022

How to Get to the Most Likely Starting Points on the Camino Francés
Tens of thousands of pilgrims start their pilgrimages in Saint Jean Pied de Port, France, each year, and many who have come from within France and other European countries finish in Saint Jean or pass through on their way to Spain.
In addition to being a busy, bustling jumping off point for pilgrims, Saint Jean is also a popular tourist destination. As an American, when I used to think of what France would be like, I imagined narrow cobblestone streets, old buildings with flower boxes in the windows, and men in berets sitting in cafes sipping coffees. Well, turns out, Saint Jean is that picture-perfect image of France.
Add in the medieval bridge reflected in the river, fabulous regional food and wines, and the enviable location at the foot of the Pyrenees mountains, and you have a place that is worth visiting for more than just a pass-through on your way to Spain.
Saint Jean is what the guidebooks show as the official starting point for the Camino Francés, and in my opinion, Saint Jean is a fantastic place to start your pilgrimage.  But it’s not the only place to start.
In fact, you have many choices for where to start your journey on the Camino Francés. In this episode of the “YOU on the Camino de Santiago” podcast, I will walk you through the most likely starting points and how to get to each one.
This is another long-ish episode, and there will be a lot of details, so you may want to have pen and paper handy to make some notes. And it wouldn’t hurt to have a map on hand so you can see where we are going and coming from to get there.
Online Resources
In this episode I refer to too many to list in this space, so I have compiled a list of all those websites here.
Come Walk With Me!
Does the whole process of getting ready to walk the Camino feel a bit daunting to you? Is thought of having to start the walk alone not feeling quite right? Join me on the trail in May or September and we will get started together.
Related: Just for fun, I thought I’d share what Lonely Planet finds interesting in Saint Jean Pied de Port.
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022

Pilgrim Kathy Gets Ready to Walk the Camino del Norte in 2023
What does it mean to be brave for yourself? As Pilgrim Kathy prepares to walk the Camino del Norte in 2023, she shares about her regrets, fears, and being her own super hero.  
We also cover a wide variety of practical pilgrim-centric topics, such as travel insurance, checking a bag on the airplane, how and when to find food on the Camino, and the contributions the hospitaleros, or hospitality hosts, make to the pilgrims.
How Many Pilgrims Complete the Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela Each Year?
And as promised, here is the website where you can follow the statistics for pilgrims reaching Santiago and receiving the Compostela certificates.
Laundromats in Santiago de Compostela
And also as promised, here are the addresses for those two gorgeous laundromats in Santiago:
Rúa das Hortas, 10 and Rúa de San Clemente, 1815705 Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña
YOUR Camino Experience
What is in the way of you making your Camino dream a reality? Let’s talk about your Camino Experience.
Related: Check out this Facebook group to learn more about the Camino del Norte and to ask questions.
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022

When you imagine yourself on the Camino, who is there? 
Are you on your own? Is your spouse or partner there with you? Are you with a big group of your favorite people, perhaps family, perhaps not?
The question of who are you doing this with is, I think, broader than it appears at first glance. That’s because there are so many parts to getting ready for and walking the Camino, and so many points at which you may want or need someone to do it with you.
This episode of the “YOU on the Camino de Santiago” podcast has a lot of detailed information to assist you as you determine with whom you will walk the Camino. Click here for the promised lists of questions and other resources discussed in this episode.
Are you somewhere in between wanting to walk the Camino on your own and wanting to start the walk with a few people?
The Camino Experience might be exactly what you are looking for! Learn about starting your pilgrimage with the Camino Experience here.
Related: In case you missed it, Pilgrim Amanda shared her plan for walking the Caminho Português with a friend. She shared with us the questions they are talking about before they leave home, to help make the journey go smoothly.
P.S. This episode is dedicated to my dear friend, Heidi Fowler, who is blessing me by bearing witness to my journey and allowing me to bear witness to hers.
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022

Someday-Pilgrim Kimberly Talks About the Idea of Walking the Camino de Santiago
From the kindness of strangers to gaining an expanded sense of community to being connected to centuries of history - there is so much to be discovered and experienced by walking the Camino de Santiago.
Join me for a poignant and uplifting conversation with Kimberly as she explores the possibility of someday being a pilgrim on the Camino in Spain or Portugal, in this episode of the “YOU on the Camino de Santiago” podcast.
UPDATE: The fabulous albergue mentioned at the end of this episode - Vagabond Vieiras - is no longer a donativo albergue. You can now reserve your bed and pizza dinner in advance on Or simply turn up as you walk through the beautiful Valcarce valley.
Say YES! to Walking the Camino
How do you take your dream of walking the Camino de Santiago someday to actually taking your first steps on the trail? Check out The Camino Experience to learn how to go from "yes, I want to do this!" to making that dream a reality.
Be a Guest on This Podcast
For all of you first-time or someday-pilgrims, would you like to be a guest on this podcast? I would love to hear from you! Let me know you are interested here.
Related: Looking for stories about pilgrims who have already walked the Camino?
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).

Tuesday Nov 01, 2022

Where do pilgrims sleep on the Camino? And What is an Albergue?
In this episode I give a full run-down on the what, the where, and the how-they-work of the pilgrim’s hostels, or albergues, on the Camino. And I explore the other sleeping options, in case sleeping in shared dorm rooms isn’t for you.
What about the idea that the albergues are the heart of the pilgrim community, and that true pilgrims stay only in the albergues? We will look at that, too, in this episode of the “YOU on the Camino de Santiago” podcast.
Camino Resources
Here are my favorite websites that have up-to-date lists of albergues:
 - Gronze
 - Eroski Consumer
Here are the most popular Camino Apps:
 - Camino Ninja (not available in some places, and not updated since summer 2022)
 - Wise Pilgrim
 - Buen Camino
Ready to Upgrade from the Albergues?
Discover the Spanish Parador Hotels
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).
According to the list of albergues handed out by the Pilgrim's Office in Saint Jean Pied de Port, roughly 40% of the albergues on the Camino Francés are open all year (not roughly half, as mentioned).
Related: What else do you need to know about staying in the albergues?

Tuesday Nov 08, 2022

Where do You Find Food on the Camino?
What is available, when is it available, and how much does it all cost?
On the first day of my first Camino walk, I walked 17 kilometers powered only by pastries. Why? Because I had no idea where and, more importantly, when to find food in Spain.
Eating on the Camino can be an exciting adventure and a culinary journey in and of itself.  Some days you will wade through a gourmet extravaganza provided by some very creative kitchens.  Other days you will find yourself in a culinary wasteland, where the only goals are to stave off hunger and find some basic nutrition.
Either way, you won’t go hungry.
You may have heard that the Spanish diet is heavily oriented towards meat and bread. Where does that leave the vegan and vegetarian eaters? And what if you require a gluten free diet? Well, good news, things have been evolving in Spain, and there are now plenty of food options for everyone. You do have to work for it some, but it is completely doable. And I will include some tips for all of you in this episode of the “YOU on the Camino de Santiago” podcast.
İBuen provecho!
Resources for Vegans and Vegetarians
Happy Cow: Website & app
Facebook groups:
 - Vegetarians and Vegans on the Camino
 - Camino de Santiago – Veg, Vegetarians and Vegans
Related: More details on eating and drinking on the Camino de Santiago, please!
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022

How much does it cost to walk the Camino?
How does the amount you spend for your pilgrimage influence, or even determine the experience you will have on the Camino? Or from another perspective, think of the experience you want: how much will that cost?
The costs on the Camino are what they are, and in episodes 14 and 15 I shared with you what I paid for food and accommodations on the Camino Francés in 2022. That second question, though, is meant to suggest that you can spend however much – or little – you want on the Camino, in order to have the experience you want.
Your on-the-ground Camino expenses are largely made up of two categories: where you sleep and where and how you eat. When people ask how much does it cost to do the Camino, I think this is usually what they are asking about, so I am going to talk about those expenses first.
Then, I will look at how much your travel expenses might be, to get to the Camino and to your starting point, and then back home again. And finally, I will talk about those expenses that come before you get on the plane or train to go to the Camino, what I call preparation costs, or pre-travel expenses.
There is a fair amount of detail coming your way in this episode, so you may want to have handy a pen and paper to make some notes. Also, you may want to open the webpage with the sample budgets I put together for you, so you can refer to them as we go.
When you look at the sample budgets, you will notice that in order to put together your Camino budget, you will need to know a few things. For example, you will need to know how many days you expect to be on the Camino, how many days you want at you starting and ending points, and if you will continue on to Fisterra or Muxia after you reach Santiago.
There are a few other things you will need to know, and I will walk you through those in this episode of the “YOU on the Camino de Santiago” podcast.
Resources Mentioned in This Episode
Learn more about Eating on the Camino
Learn more about Sleeping on the Camino
Shop for flights, buses, trains, and taxis with Matrix ITA Software here.
Compare and shop for travel insurance policies on Squaremouth here.
Related: How can you save money while traveling (and not just on the Camino)?
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).

Tuesday Nov 22, 2022

Your Camino Plan
This is the final episode of Season One of the “YOU on the Camino de Santiago” podcast, and I want to thank you for tuning in each week, and for joining me on this journey to make your Camino dream a reality.
And when I say thank you I am sending that message out around the world. Do you know why?  People are tuning in from the US, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Denmark, The Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and a few more – 44 countries in all. My global heart is so happy to have you here with me.
Thank you.
I hope you are finding this podcast helpful, useful, enjoyable . . . or at least interesting. What have you taken away from this season? Favorite top tips, most useful topics, new ideas for your Camino journey. What are your Camino plans? I would love to hear from you. I have an easy to remember email address where you can send me a note. It’s
In This Episode
In this episode I share with you what I am working on for you for next year, and then I give you a wrap up of Season One. By now you should have a pretty solid Camino plan coming together.
I also give you a preview of Season Two and ask for your input on which topics are most important to you as you plan and prepare for your upcoming Camino pilgrimage.
Here are all the links I mentioned in this episode of the “YOU on the Camino de Santiago” podcast:
  > Tell me what you want for Season Two, which starts in late January
  > Donate to the podcast production fund (or buy me a coffee or two!):
  > Be a guest on this podcast
  > Find out why you would start your Camino walk with The Camino Experience
Related: Never miss an episode of the “YOU on the Camino de Santiago” podcast. (You can also subscribe on your favorite podcast player.)
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).

Tuesday Jan 24, 2023

One of the most frequently asked about topics in the Camino Facebook groups and on the online forums is the luggage transport services on the Camino. You have probably heard pieces of information on this topic but I bet you've been left with some questions. In this two-part episode, we are going to cover this topic from end to end.
You might have some questions like: 
How does it work?
What can I send with the transport services?
Is it safe?
What company should I use?
Do I have to book in advance or can I just wing it?
Is it easy to set up or is it complicated?
I don't speak Spanish so how's that going to work?
What if I have things I won’t need while walking?
Here is the whole story, broken down into seven easy to manage steps. It is so much information that breaking it into two smaller episodes seemed to make sense. Part One has steps 1 & 2, and Part Two has steps 3 through 7.
UPDATE: There is a new company serving Refuge Orisson starting in April 2024. Orisson will accept transported bags only from this company: Donkey Service
Here is a link for the details on some of the luggage transport companies plus information on shipping and storing items in Santiago de Compostela:
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).
Let's spend some time together talking about your Camino dreams and answering your most urgent questions. Let me know you are interested here.
Here are steps 3 through7 on how to use the luggage transport services on the Camino.
Related: How do you select your backpack for the Camino?

Tuesday Jan 24, 2023

This is Part Two of a two-part episode. Did you miss Part One?
One of the most frequently asked about topics in the Camino Facebook groups and on the online forums is the luggage transport services on the Camino. You have probably heard pieces of information on this topic but I bet you've been left with some questions. In this two-part episode, we are going to cover this topic from end to end.
You might have some questions like: 
How does it work?
What can I send with the transport services?
Is it safe?
What company should I use?
Do I have to book in advance or can I just wing it?
Is it easy to set up or is it complicated?
I don't speak Spanish so how's that going to work?
What if I have things I won’t need while walking?
Here is the whole story, broken down into seven easy to manage steps. It is so much information that breaking it into two smaller episodes seemed to make sense. Part One has steps 1 & 2, and Part Two has steps 3 through 7.
Here is a link for some of the luggage transport companies plus information on shipping and storing items in Santiago de Compostela:
Let's spend some time together talking about your Camino dreams and answering your most urgent questions. Let me know you are interested here.
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).
Related: How do you select your backpack for the Camino?

Tuesday Jan 31, 2023

What do you really need to take with you when you walk the Camino? How much should your pack weigh? What happens if you take too much stuff?
Pilgrim David Guiterrez shares how he answered these questions while walking the Camino Francés in Fall 2022. There is some solid packing wisdom in this episode!
David shares with us about his upcoming fundraiser to build awareness about the Camino and his mission work with Damien House in Ecuador. Damien house serves people with Hansen's disease (leprosy), giving them love and medical care as they navigate life under the stigma of this disease.
David is co-hosting a dinner on February 11, 2022, to raise money for Damien House. He and 30 other pilgrims will also be sharing with the attendees how the Camino impacted their lives and is leading them to make a bigger difference in their communities and the world. ***Donations welcome after the event, at any time.***
If you would like to make a financial donation in support of this organization, please go here: Donations welcome at any time.
Are you getting ready to walk your first Camino pilgrimage? You are invited to take advantage of all the getting-started resources available on Nancy’s website. Learn all about the Camino de Santiago and how to go from ‘yes, I want to do this!’ to your first steps on the trail.
Would you like to share your experience of getting ready to walk the Camino de Santiago and receive some personalized guidance on your planning and preparations?
If you have not yet walked a Camino and would like to be a guest on this podcast, please let me know you are interested here.
#caminodesantiago #caminofrances #santiagodecompostela #camino #pilgrimage #travel #santiago

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023

Walking the Camino isn’t “normal” travel, it isn’t a weekend away, and it isn’t backpacking. It is something in between, something so different that it brings up all kinds of fears and self-doubt in people who already know how to travel. And for first-time travelers, the task of packing for the Camino may be completely confounding.
This is the second in a series of episodes on How to Pack for the Camino de Santiago. We will be building your packing list step by step, beginning with selecting the backpack or luggage that's best for the type of walk you will be doing.
How big of a backpack do you need? How do you be sure your backpack fits you well and will be comfortable for the many hours and days you will be carrying it on the Camino? Besides holding all your stuff, what else do you need from your backpack? What do all those straps do? This episode has the answers to all your backpack questions.
And here is the reference mentioned for how to get the right fit for your backpack:
Wait! Before we even get to those questions, we will look out our goals for packing for the Camino:
Pack light
Pack simple
Pack smart
(Tell me more!)
Does the whole idea of getting ready to walk the Camino feel a bit daunting to you? Is the thought of having to start the walk alone not feeling quite right? Join me on the trail in May or September and we will get started together.
Would you like to share your experience of getting ready to walk the Camino de Santiago and receive some personalized guidance on your planning and preparations?
If you have not yet walked a Camino and would like to be a guest on this podcast, please let me know you are interested here.
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).
Related: What if you can’t or don’t want to carry your backpack the entire way? Learn all about the luggage transport services in this two-part episode.

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023

Join me as Kathie from Dallas shares her experiences walking the Camino Francés in Fall 2022.
Last summer I had the pleasure of talking with Kathie as she was getting ready for her first-ever Camino pilgrimage. We talked about her fears, doubts, and concerns about walking the Camino de Santiago, plus her hopes and aspirations as she headed off into the unknown on what would be for her, a significant religious pilgrimage. You can listen to that conversation here.
Did Kathie’s greatest fears come to pass? Did she get lost on the meseta? Did she find a "Camino family"? And was it the walk with God, the Mother Mary, Jesus, and Saint James she hoped it would be? Find out in this episode of the YOU on the Camino de Santiago podcast.
YOUR Camino Experience
What about you? Are you getting ready to walk your first Camino pilgrimage? You are invited to take advantage of all the getting-started resources available on Nancy’s website. Learn all about the Camino de Santiago and how to go from ‘yes, I want to do this!’ to your first steps on the trail.
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).
Would you like to share your story of getting ready to walk the Camino, and get some expert input on your planning and preparations? Be a guest on this podcast and let's spend some time together talking about your Camino dreams and answering your most urgent questions. Let me know you are interested here.

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023

HIKING CLOTHES & RAIN GEAR - Know what's right for you for your pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago in Spain
When you walk the Camino de Santiago you will be outdoors walking for hours each day. How do you dress for walking the Camino? And what will you wear when you are not walking, in the evenings? How do you protect yourself from the elements? What gear will you need for walking?
Our goal here is to be sure you have the right clothes for the job, which means, the right clothes for the weather you are likely to encounter while on the Camino. Having the right clothes will make it possible for you to pack light – no extras, just in case. It means you will be comfortable on the trail. It could even be a question of safety, which means staying dry and preventing overheating in hot weather and hypothermia in colder weather.
Here is what we will cover in this episode:
What hiking clothes you will need
What you will wear when you’re not walking
How to choose your rain gear
How many undergarments and pairs of socks to bring along
Does brand matter?
And of course, there is a top tip that’s sort of related to packing for the Camino (but not really).
Want to learn more about layering? Here is a good article on what hiking clothes to get.
If you want your Camino pilgrimage to be about more than just your packing list, come walk with me!
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).
Related: Hear what an experienced pilgrim has to say about packing for the Camino.

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023

Meg from Tacoma, Washington, USA, is planning a walk on the Camino Francés with her mom and sister - in the heat of July.
How does the weather impact your Camino? Is it better to walk alone or should you be recruiting family and friends to walk with you? And if you do walk with "your people", how do you ensure each person has the experience they are seeking?
In this episode, Meg shares how she and her family are preparing for their Camino walk, leveraging each person's strengths and interests.
Is this your year to walk the Camino de Santiago?
Let’s begin this journey together, with expert guidance getting ready and getting started on the Camino Francés route.
And let’s get you connected to the pilgrim community before you start your walk, with a small group of pilgrims who are, like you, embarking on their first ever pilgrimageon the Camino de Santiago. Start here.
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).
Are you ready to share your getting-ready Camino story and get some personalized advice on your planning and preparations? Let me know you are interested here.
Related: Who will you walk the Camino with?

Tuesday Mar 07, 2023

NANCY'S CAMINO TRAINING GUIDE . . . for the non-athlete regular person who wants to walk all or part of the Camino de Santiago
How do you prepare for the physical challenges of walking the Camino de Santiago? Do you really need to prepare?
How much training do you need to do? What do you need to do – is it enough to just walk around your neighborhood a couple times a week? We will find out in this episode of the YOU on the Camino de Santiago podcast!
Here are all the links mentioned in this episode:
Nancy's Camino Training Walking Plan
And get your FREE copy of Nancy's Top 10 Camino Tips (that don't usually make the top 10 lists).
The Camino Cafe Podcast with Leigh Brennan
Spanish for the Camino Podcast with Maria Seco
How to adjust your trekking pole straps, with Jayah Faye Paley
How to stretch for walking
Get the MapMyWalk App
The Tabata Workout
PopSugar Workouts
Walk in a Relaxed Manner, by Joyce Rupp
Related: Selecting Your Boots for the Camino


YOU on the Camino de Santiago

With guide and long-time pilgrim,

Nancy Reynolds of

The Camino Experience


Click here to join Nancy on the Camino!


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